Thursday, 23 February 2012



Shindig! Magazine

After looking at mainly mainstream magazines, I am going to look at a magazine that appeals to a much more niche market that is very narrowly broadcasted. Shindig only sells 26,000 copies a month, this is most likely due to the very selective genre of music it covers, which includes psychedelia, garage, beat, power-pop, soul and folk. Another reason is due to the limited number of issues released. Bi-monthly it publishes 6 issues a year, and at £4.95 per issue, the cost would be another factor due to the limited sales whereas NME and other mainstream magazines can afford to lower their prices due to the popularity. However I do believe people would be willing to pay this due to the obscurity and non mainstream factor of it. 
Shindig! advertise themselves quite selectively, and this must be the case as nobody (except Mr.Swain) has heard of it! They are however, on Facebook and Twitter, so they are in social networking contact with their readers and people could stumble across it in this way. 

Shindig 25

The front cover of shindig! is very simplistic and looks like something you would expect to see in the 60s or 70s. I think that this is what people like about it, as it would remind them of the 'good old days' and reflects the bands that are influenced by this era and those that were from that era as well! 
They do not fit much classic magazine conventions, for example,  there are no sell lines on the left or right side leaving it looking quite bare, possibly to really bring the artists to full attention. 
The bright obscure colours also contrast against the black and white picture and looks quite 'hippie' influenced.

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