Monday, 27 February 2012

Media Test Shots & Recce

I took some practice shots. Unfortunately, the images weren't showing up on my blog!

 click here to look at the images on Flickr stream.

 I took them to figure out what kind of background and surroundings to the images I am going to eventually use. I am not necessarily going to be including these images in the final drafts but they have given me a good idea of what images I want to include.
For the front cover, I don't think any of these images particularly suit conventions of a front cover. I want to keep it simple with one main image, therefore I don't think a brick wall, for example, would work.
I do like the close up of a guitar, and this would feature nicely on a double page spread, and then the full body shot images featured in it also. These images have helped give me an idea of the kinds of pictures I will take.

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