Monday, 20 February 2012

Memes and Tropes - Classical music.

To broaden my study of a variety of musical genres I decided to look into the world of classical music.
Classical singers are often very sophisticated, generally older people. As well as creating their own songs, they tend to produce their cover versions of classical songs, such as the well known 'Ave Maria'  and many more.

Coming from someone who isn't a keen listener of classical music (and this sounds awful) , but I find their voices all abit similar and it is more of a harder skill to sing in this way and the songs are almost a display of their talents. Usually people stereotyped to listen to this genre are those who are of the older generation and those who we would stereo typically imagine in a box watching and listening at the royal opera houses with those funny binoculars.

On a more serious note, The songs are often sung in another language, like Italian. Perhaps the reason why, in the UK, classical music is not a very popular genre compared to rock or pop. Also the lyrics are not very relate able to everyday people and their lives, possibly increasing the dis-interest.   The music style is quite easy listening with instruments from an orchestra band in the background. Harps and Violins are very much associated with the classical voice style.  These delicate stringed  instruments reflect the often religious, hymn-like quality the songs are about - perhaps another reason why it is not totally popular, as we live in a world today with a mixture of religions and beliefs, whereas these songs appear to be strictly of a Christian / Catholic origin.

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