Double page spread conventions
This is a double page spread from NME magazine and I am deconstructing the article to see what conventions I can include in my article.
Large main image taking up all of one of the two pages.
The title is in BLOCK s e p a r a t e d text to make it clear and draw attention to it.
The colours are predominant as well.

The large letters at the beginning of articles are often a very common convention. One thing about this particular magazine is the random larger letter included in this article, which I think is quite unconventional -
I'm not too sure why this is inserted here! I personally do not like it and won't include it.___________________
there is a smaller, secondary image. I think it makes the article more interesting and I often find that the more images there are on an article, the more people are drawn to it. It also allows the reader to get a sense of what the article is describing or talking about.
There are conventional columns with a large extract of text in the middle separating the text into more 'digestable' sections of reading, as people will usually pick up a magazine for light reading.
The large quotation in the middle gives the reader an insight into the article and adds to the desire to read on with the article as the reader wants to find out about the quote etc.
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