Monday, 5 March 2012

First Draft

Here is my first attempt at a draft of an Indie music magazine using my test shots. 
I used Picnik, the photo editing website to add the text and edit the main photo. 

- The Logo and main title at the side. I think it looks professional and the upside own triangle is a simple logo that fits with the slogan and the idea of indie music to be quite alternate, fresh and different from the usual. 

-The sell lines are easily readable and contrast nicely with the image in the background.

-The image isn't too busy and is mainly in the middle, there is not much going on behind the sell lines which is what I wanted to achieve as other music magazines i have looked at do this too. 

-The fonts are the same throughout the whole page and are again, easy to read. This is important as at a first glance, the reader wants to know what is going to be included in the magazine in order to entice them  into buying it. 

- Possibly fill the sides of the magazine with more information

- Include a barcode, date and price!

- Not have the image as a square, more rectangular. This was an editing fault and wasn't really intentional! 

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you've editied your picture, I think it looks really proffesional and looks like an image you would see on a music magazine of this genre. I like the colour scheme, the blue and white go together well and are quite cool colours, it also fits in well with the colour of the main image. The sell lines look modern and edgy when they are on an angle and I think this could appeal to your target audience.
    :) x
