Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Here is my newest double page spread. It is strongly influenced by one of my style models from NME magazine, I tried to follow similar conventions that the magazine used.
The large image is eye-catching. I edited the picture so there was just a focus around his face, so that the image isn't so vivid around the text, this makes it easier to read. Examples of elements I have taken from the existing article include the main title with the sub - text smaller underneath. Where the NME article has no indication of who the person is, they are expected to know, my artist is new and is all about his first interview, therefore his name at the top of the image is included. It is not to invasive of the image and almost balances out the overall look of the left side of the double page spread. 
Other conventions included are the colour scheme, subdued creamy oranges are a reoccurring theme throughout my whole magazine and is almost a trademark of my magazine. It is quite simplistic yet not dull and boring which I like. The main 'pull quote' and large capital letter are in this orange, contrasting against the background, so it stands out and is attracting to the audience. 
I included a drop down shape saying 'chord interview' and is there to imply a fluid magazine that would have this throughout the whole magazine and would adapt depending on what the article includes. 

Over all, I find this double page spread looks conventional and has included key elements from the existing article, which would be my competitor in the real market world. Therefore following their style would hopefully mean being as successful as they are. 

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, your work is looking good. It's really worth tweaking and re-tweaking till you are satisfied. Make sure you EXPLAIN in depth, so the reader understands the process you've gone through.
