Friday, 23 March 2012

Another Cover Draft

After market testing my magazine on my piers who would be my target audience, both positive and negative feedback has influenced me to tweak at the magazine again.
Upon asking "What do you first notice about the cover?"  ideally, the answer would be the title of the magazine and then the main sell line. Whilst some people said this, some felt the 'WIN' and '12' were just as eye catching upon first glance, and while this is good to entice the reader, this shouldn't really be the most obvious text at first sight. Further to this, my style model magazines follow the size order of title, main sell line and then the rest of the text, in this decreasing style. So I will also follow this.
Positive feedback included the colour scheme and the overall look of the magazine. The only issue is the text sizing. So this is what I will be working on, still keeping it conventional with my existing style models as I make changes.

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