Saturday, 28 January 2012

Research Methods.

To research into my project I need to look at different research methods and which ones I will use. Primary research; involves collecting data first hand myself. Examples of this include questionnaires and surveys. These are vital when feedback is needed throughout the making of the music video. The advantages of using this is the how easy it is to do. 
Secondary research;  research involves collating existing media and learning from what has been previously published elsewhere. The internet is essential here. The music video producers websites, band websites and Wikipedia, for example, would be help me with collecting facts and information to support my work. I will be able to see if our music video is heading in the right direction and what conventions exist within similar videos that are already out there.   

Friday, 27 January 2012

Contents Page - Preliminary Task

This is my contents page for my preliminary task.
I used similar logos and symbols to the main cover to  carry on the theme and make it look more professional and maintained the magazine name and slogan.

The Speech bubble is a welcoming, informal greeting to the readers which is really friendly. 

The numbers of pages are set out clearly and draw in attention

It is all clearly spaced out under subheadings

I am very pleased with the result of this but would maybe fill in more gaps if I was to edit it again 

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

My front cover!

I really like my first try at making a magazine. I stuck to certain conventions such as a 3 coloured colour-scheme. I think this way it looks more professional and flows better, they are also the school's colours, therefore I felt they were just right. The title 'Your SSFG' is both personal and colloquial, as SSFG is an abbreviation commonly used instead of saying 'Southfield School For Girls'. I think that this makes it more appealing to the teenage target audience. A lot of the subheadings have 'cliff hanger' phrases such as 'find out what' which will draw readers in. The shot of the girl is a mid shot that is clearly related to a school environment, with a clear background, so no attention is drawn away from the main image.

Things I would maybe change are adding a little more content, as at the moment some areas look quite bare. Also en cooperate some other images to make the cover look more exciting.

Preliminary Task - Original Photos

 These are original shots of Kelly for my preliminary magazine task. I particularly like these as they are clear mid shots that fit conventions of a magazine photo. She is wearing a shirt and is reading a book, connoting a school environment. The background is clear, which is similar to the good existing school magazines I analysed.

These two photos did not work as well, the fist one is too blurry and the second one is slightly too close up I find, therefore I will not be using them! 

Friday, 20 January 2012

School Magazines - Contents page analysis.

Looking at current school magazine contents pages, I quite like this one. It has particularly good conventions that a magazine contents page would be expected to have.

I particularly like the way subheadings have been created to separate what is included in the magazine. I think this makes the page more quickly accesable and readable, as people often don't concerntrate on everything in the contents page, they go to it and expect to see the page they need to go to quickly. I think these subheadings also make the magazine look more professional and appear to have coverd many different articles and information of the school.

The pictures used make the contents page appear less dull and space the information out easier. The pictures relate to the content, suchas students working and an image of the school.

The minimalistic background also means it is easier to read and less confusing.

The font is conistent throughout. The size or colour adapts slightly on page numbers, the title and the subheadings, to label the contents efficently.


Some aspects I dont particularly like are the dull colour scheme, perhaps different shades of green, inkeeping with the schools colour theme is just a suggestion.

It could also include some informal lexis, making it appear more chatty like a caption 'Whats inside this week?' to appeal more to the students who would read this.

Overall I like this contents page, it is simple and clear without being boring. From this I will take the idea of consitency and subheadings for my own contents page I will create.

School Magazine Textual Analysis 2

This is another school magazine I have found which I think is not so great. 
There are a few positive aspects to it which I could apply to my school magazine such as ;

-The close up of the sharpener, it is school related which I believe is necessary.

- The School logo is en-cooperated onto the front which clearly displays to the audience where the magazine is from. 

-The color scheme is gender neutral, appealing to both sexes of students. 


Aspects of the magazine I do not particularly like are; 

- The font. The two fonts used are too different from each other appearing unprofessional, and I personally find the title unreadable at a first glance. 

-The colour scheme is quite good, as I said it is gender neutral, however there are too many contrasting colours, and they are too bold and clash. 

- The title is not big enough to be eye catching which is key if these magazines want to be taken /purchased. 

- The title is not relatable to the school's name or school in general.

- There is no preview to what is inside, it makes the magazine appear bare and doesn't make a good first impression which people probably won't bother to read if nothing stands out to them. 

Overall this magazine does not follow typical conventions that a magazine should and I therefore will take the pros and cons from this and apply what is good to the creation of my magazine. This magazine has taught me to make the magazine engaging at a first glance. 

School Magazine Textual Analysis 1

This is an example of a school magazine I particularly like. It has many conventions which I think make it appropriate for a school environment. 

- The variety of different fonts which are eye catching. They are different but not too harshly contrasting to make it unappealing. 

-The picture is a girl in the schools uniform , relating to the genre of magazine. It is a mid shot meaning it is a clearly viewable without being too close up or far away, she is positioned in a way you would expect normal magazines which the audience would probably buy and read. 

-The fact there is only one photo and the background is clear makes it less cluttered and easier to read.

-There is a clear title at the top relating to the magazine

-consistent font is the same throughout and is in sans serif. This is the font used which makes it seem less professional. However I don't think this matters because it is an easily readable font none the less and they aim to appeal to younger people who attend the school anyway. 

- The actual content appears to be engaging for a young audience. Although primarily based for the school pupils, the magazine appears to appeal to parents as well, as it contains articles for both. The variety of quizzes, reviews and interviews will keep the readers entertained. It doesn't appear to go off topic either.


One thing I would change about this magazine and would bare in mind is the colour scheme, it appears to be feminine. Weather it is a female school or not I am not sure, but as it is aimed for parents as well I think it should try to be more gender neutral.

I also would include the school name or logo on it and I personally believe this is a must have to a school magazine, as it is a way of promoting the school to readers. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Preliminary Task

My first task prior to the music magazine is to create a school magazine consisting of a front cover and a contents page, to demonstrate ability to present a magasine in a select way and appeal to the target audience. I am looking forward to making this, but firstly I will investigate other school magazines to understand what I need to include.

Getting Started :)

This is the first post on the new media blog, I look forward to making posts on ideas and work as the course progresses!